Thursday, February 28, 2008

a day of recharging

So today was a day of recharging for me. I went to MOPS this morning, which was absolutely needed for me at this point, and I had an amazing time. The speaker really sparked my thinking about how much fun I have with my kids. I realized today that I let little things bother me to much. My kids are worthy of playful fun parents who are memorable for more than just disciplining them. I mean don't get me wrong, we do fun things, but not enough at all. Instead of once a week I am shooting for several times a week and definitely every weekend. They deserve to get to be creative, make a mess, and explore. So, to kick off the fun I set up the tent in the back yard so they could play fort. My plan for this weekend is to take the kids on a walk and let Crislen ride her bike, she just learned how. After my MOPS and reflecting I had an awesome chance to take a nap and recharge my body. I have been having head aches for quite sometime now that the doctor thinks are caused by stress, so to be able to get a good uninterrupted nap in the middle of the day was awesome. So I am finishing my night now with a glorious sigh as i sink into bed. My wish for everyone tonight is that you all have a wonderful day tomorrow, because I know I am. Goodnight All!

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